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e-Careers rated ‘Good’ in all categories in our first ever Ofsted inspection

As a leading provider of accredited professional training, e-Careers has had the pleasure of delivering self-paced online and instructor-led virtual classroom training to more than 600,000 people worldwide for over a decade.

While we have only recently added apprenticeships to our range of training solutions, we are incredibly proud to announce that in our first-ever Ofsted inspection, we have been judged by Ofsted as being a Grade 2 ('Good') Training Provider, across all five inspection categories: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management, and Apprenticeships. This rating is a testament to the innovation and dynamism that is in the DNA of our organisation, with quality being at the centre of our people, programmes, and our technology.

When asked about the factors behind e-Careers' success, our Co-CEO, Varun Bhatt, attributed it to our "single-minded approach to achieving our vision of ‘bridging the global skills-gap’, through an owner-led structure that allows its people to work with freedom, have a sense of ownership and be unconventional. These critical factors, combined with hard work, and commitment to create amazing courses form the foundation for success in any business."

Receiving a 'Good' on our first inspection is a huge success, as we have only recently started providing apprenticeships, and it's rare for Ofsted to offer an 'Outstanding' rating to new training providers. This result has inspired us to work towards achieving an 'Outstanding' rating; however, our focus is always first and foremost on our students and the quality of our apprenticeship programmes.

With our organisational strategy and growth model in place, we are confident we can achieve an 'Outstanding' rating in the future.

The Ofsted inspection

The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) regularly inspects institutions against strict standards, ensuring high-quality teaching and learning across a spectrum of education providers.

Ofsted's comprehensive inspection covered various aspects of e-Careers, including overall effectiveness, education quality, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, apprenticeships, and student support. The report commends e-Careers for effectively leveraging its experience in providing commercial training courses, contributing significantly to the success of its recently launched apprenticeship programmes.

Ofsted commended our training plans, featuring an integrated learning approach that includes lessons, worksheets, online learning, research, and reading. The report also highlighted our learner-centric method, gradually introducing complex concepts after mastering the fundamentals, and we received recognition for our comprehensive focus on well-being, with coaches providing support and guidance to help apprentices navigate personal and professional challenges.

Ofsted’s grading system

Under the common inspection framework for education providers, inspectors made graded judgements on the following areas:

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management.
  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment.
  • Personal development, behaviour, and welfare.
  • Outcomes for pupils.

In each area, we were graded ‘Good’ on a four-point scale:

  • Grade 1 (Outstanding).
  • Grade 2 (Good).
  • Grade 3 (Requires improvement).
  • Grade 4 (Inadequate).

About our apprenticeship programmes

As with everything we do here at e-Careers, we are fully dedicated to ensuring our high-quality apprenticeship programmes provide our learners with all the information and assistance they need throughout their training with us. These programmes have the full support of our business, and we have introduced a dedicated apprenticeship team that delivers the training and supports our students, covering everything from the awareness side generated through our marketing to post-training support and advice provided by our apprentice support team.

Our apprenticeship programmes are not just helping apprentices as individuals, but they are also changing the way we develop employees within organisations to become leaders in their industry.

We're so proud of each apprentice for choosing this path, and we're incredibly grateful for the opportunity and responsibility to help guide them through their apprenticeships.

Here at e-Careers, we tailor our training programmes to meet the apprentice’s and their employer’s specific requirements. While we value qualifications and certifications, we also value job competency, as that is what really helps apprentices to improve in their current and future job roles, and secure a lifetime of employment success, as well as helping us achieve our vision as an organisation.

Apprenticeship programs are open to existing employees within an organisation as well as new employees hired specifically as Apprentices. Our Apprenticeship team will help you understand exactly how you can utilise the levy to drive your business forward, whether you are a small start-up or a multinational corporation.

We currently offer 12 apprentice programmes across 6 sectors (outlined below), with development underway to launch programmes in insurance, software development, and cyber security later this year.

Our current Apprenticeship programmes include:

  • Accounting
  • Leadership & Management
  • Business Administration
  • Business Analysis
  • IT & Networking
  • Data Analysis

If you would like to discuss upskilling your teams, or taking on fresh talent funded by the government, then speak to our apprenticeship team on 020 3800 0143 or email solutions@e-careers.com.

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