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This policy allows you (the learner) to bring an appeal against decisions made by a board or examining body relating to the decisions of an examiner against your academic performance.


Appeals Policy Download
Appeals Policy
CIPD Appeals PolicyDownload
CIPD Appeals Policy
CIPD Malpractice and Maladministration PolicyDownload
CIPD Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
E-Careers Academic Misconduct PolicyDownload
E-Careers Academic Misconduct Policy

We have policies to adhere to ensure we deliver our apprenticeships to the highest standards and they can be found below, depending on your requirement:


Equal Opportunities PolicyDownload
Equal Opportunities Policy
Safeguarding PolicyDownload
Safeguarding Policy
Complaints PolicyDownload
Complaints Policy
GDPR PolicyDownload
GDPR Policy
Strategic Vision & MissionDownload
Strategic Vision & Mission

Our complaints policy allows you to express any dissatisfaction you may have with one of our services through a formal or informal complaint. We take all complaints seriously and aim to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.


Complaints Policy Download
Complaints Policy

When the complaints policy is followed through, you can use this official form to request a review based on the dissatisfaction of the service you received.


e-Careers Complaints Form Download
e-Careers Complaints Form

e-Careers has a rich history of diversity in both our direct and indirect employment. Here you can find our Equality & Diversity Policy which gives full consideration to the Equality Act 2010.


Equality & Diversity PolicyDownload
Equality & Diversity Policy

A legal requirement for every business. Here we outline our Health & Safety policy according to UK regulations.


Health and Safety PolicyDownload
Health and Safety Policy-2018

Our policies allow us to prevent malpractice and maladministration while also having the ability to respond effectively if a case presents itself. This policy outlines e-Careers’ stance on neglect which could result in e-Careers not providing the right service.


Malpractice PolicyDownload
Malpractice Maladministration Policy